ScholarShot helps at risk students succeed in earning career-ready undergraduate, associate, and vocational degrees by providing academic advisement, financial assistance and mentoring.
Along with our supporters and partners, we are changing lives with college degrees.

Our Education Challenge

The Vast Majority of At-Risk Children Fail to Escape Poverty Through Education Opportunities!
At-Risk Children In DISD HS
At Risk Enrolling In College
At Risk Drop Out of College
At-Risk Graduate from College

Human Impact & Costs To Society

Yearly Cost for Incarceration vs. $6,000/year for ScholarShot
At-Risk Students Drop Out with Average Debt of $25,000
$80,000,000/year of Failed Grants for Dropouts in Texas

ScholarShot Proven Formula: SuccessMap

Academic Management Program

Academic Management Activities

  • Pre-semester degree plans, budgets and transcript reviews.

  • Bi-weekly Scholar updates from enrollment through graduation.

  • Monitor classroom and grade performance through Scholar portals.

  • Continual academic guidance and emotional support.

  • Emergency micro-grants and allowances for Scholars in good standing.

ScholarShot Proven Results

Support ScholarShot Scholars!

Change Lives and Dallas County with College Degrees.
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