Building A Company Apparel Store
for Your Employees

The SplashBrands Difference

Company apparel is more than just a way to unify your workforce and create a sense of belonging among team members. It’s also a fantastic opportunity to elevate your brand identity, increase awareness of your business, and upgrade your marketing efforts.

Unfortunately, ensuring employees can access the apparel they need quickly and conveniently is often easier said than done. Many manufacturers have minimum order quantity requirements, and complex ordering processes to consider.

Fortunately, innovators like SplashBrands are transforming the landscape, providing organizations with opportunities to create an on-demand company apparel store for employees, HR leaders, and managers alike.

Unlike inventory stores, branded apparel stores from SplashBrands feature no minimum orders, no inventory management costs, and simple on-demand fulfillment, ensuring you can unlock all the benefits of high-quality branded merchandise, without the hassle.

All of these features are paired with 1,000+ product offerings on the SplashBrands store, ranging from polos, jackets, and shirts, to water bottles, bags, and a whole lot more!

No Inventory

No Minimums

48h Shipping

The Benefits of a Company Store with Branded Apparel

Ordering employee uniforms, promotional products, and branded merchandise for multiple employees has often been an expensive, restrictive, and time-consuming process. While tools like Shopify and Etsy have allowed anyone to create their own ecommerce sites, the same functionality hasn’t always been available in the corporate store industry.

Now, cutting-edge software and design vendors are offering organizations the opportunity to build their own custom online company store, where users can access comprehensive catalogues of products, place orders, and access information in seconds.

Employees can make purchases whenever and wherever they like, without extra admin work, and businesses can ensure every product used by a team member bears the same company name and consistent branding elements.

With an online company store, organizations benefit from:

1. Central Ordering Platform

With a company apparel store, you don’t have to worry about processing orders with multiple different vendors when buying apparel, branded merchandise, and gifts for rewards programs. Instead, you can create a comprehensive environment where team members can access a complete library of products, and place orders instantly.

It also simplifies your accounting processes receiving invoices from one central platform for all your company apparel needs.

2. Improved Company Culture

A company apparel store ensures every employee can access the same branded clothing, uniforms, and other essential items, fostering a sense of community and belonging in the organization. Products made with consistent branding guidelines help to connect your employees and elevate your brand.

3. Professional Appearance for Team Members

How often does your brand image suffer because employees are unable to access the same uniform or accessories as their colleagues? A company apparel store for employees eliminates this issue, allowing you to create a consistent professional appearance for your entire workforce. This polished image helps to install confidence in your organization, and build familiarity with your brand.

If certain departments don’t have good choices for company apparel, they often will order their own things from different vendors. These might include unapproved branding choices, or other issues that don’t present a unified company brand.

Using SplashBrands for your company apparel store for employees, you can ensure everyone has the right logos, colors, and branding that you work so hard to create.

4. Significant Cost Savings

Managing individual employee apparel orders can be both time-consuming and costly. You may need to work with multiple vendors to access all of the right custom corporate apparel. Plus, many large businesses require companies to adhere to minimum order quantity requirements. An on-demand apparel store reduces costs, with an all-in-one inventory, and no order restrictions.

Our on-demand model also means you don’t have to worry about extra inventory. You can order as many or as few items as you need, and if you don’t sell certain sizes you don’t waste that money.

5. Time Savings and Efficiency

Time is a valuable resource in any business, but a lot of it is often spent on organizing orders and tracking deliveries. With your online company store, you and your team members can avoid spending precious hours searching for the right attire, filling out forms, and even communicating with new vendors to ensure they follow your brand guidelines.

6. Employee Recognition and Engagement

A company apparel store doesn’t just ensure employees can access uniforms and clothing items whenever they need them. It also offers business leaders a unique opportunity to source incentive gifts and branded merchandise they can use to reward and recognize team members. This recognition helps to strengthen your employee’s commitment to your brand, and increases staff satisfaction.

7. Enhanced Advertising

When employees wear branded apparel featuring your company name, colors, and logo, they become walking ambassadors for your organization. Every employee can act as a walking advertisement for your business, boosting brand recognition and awareness wherever they go.

8. Brand Consistency

Building a company apparel store ensures you can create a comprehensive catalog of products for your employees, all of which are designed according to the same brand guidelines and expectations. This helps to reduce the risk of inconsistencies in your brand image, and helps you to develop a more recognizable, memorable visual identity. You can even ask your vendor to follow specific rules, such as avoiding certain colors when printing on corporate apparel.

Setting Up a Company Apparel Store for Employees

In the past, developing your own store for corporate apparel would have been a complex and time-consuming process. Business leaders needed to invest in comprehensive website-building tools, payment processing solutions, and APIs and integrations to ensure their store could connect with third-party manufacturers and vendors.

When building a solution from scratch, companies would have to:

  • Invest time in finding the right ecommerce and website building platforms
  • Research merchandise options and choose the right selection of products
  • Explore potential vendors and create partnerships or contracts
  • Design online storefronts with UX and UI strategies
  • Promote their store internally and encourage team engagement
  • Manage inventory and fulfillment constantly

Fortunately, companies like SplashBrands are changing the landscape, offering small and large businesses alike a convenient toolkit for building branded stores in minutes. There’s no need to invest in developer and coding support, and you don’t have to worry about sourcing countless vendors and manufacturers to work with.

Building a Company Apparel Store with SplashBrands

With SplashBrands, any business owner or leader can create a company apparel store for employees in minutes. Not only does SplashBrands help companies set up stores within as little as 2 weeks, but it ensures companies can access a wide library of products instantly.

There’s no need to select specific pieces of merchandise to add to your store, as you automatically gain access to a full catalog of over 1,000 products, including apparel and hard goods. The cutting edge platform offers a host of unique features, including:

  • On-demand order fulfillment with no minimum order requirements
  • No inventory management requirements
  • Rapid order shipping, with orders shipped in 2-5 days
  • Multiple designs, logos, and branding options for every store
  • Comprehensive tools for setting up buying groups with separate invoices
  • Order approval workflows for simple automation
  • Branded gift certificates for reward programs
  • Marketing tools for advertising and promotion

Getting started is extremely simple. All companies need to do is request a “test drive” with SplashBrands, and the team will immediately get to work. Just send your logos and brand information, and the innovative company will create a complete store in just 2 weeks.

Your test store will already include hundreds of apparel and promotional products you can review for free. Then, all you need to do is provide feedback, so SplashBrands can tailor your store to your specific preferences. The team will work with you to select a store name, build ads for promotional purposes, add secure groups within the store, and customize billing and shipping requirements.

Once your store is fully set up, you regain complete control, with a convenient back-end environment and easy-to-use tools for managing user groups, ads, messaging, and even when new products go live. Plus, there’s a reporting dashboard to display all the metrics and insights you need.

Build the Ultimate Company Apparel Store with SplashBrands

Aligning your teams with branded merchandise and company apparel shouldn’t be a complex process. Fortunately, the SplashBrands design is simple and intuitive store for your employees, complete with access to hundreds of products, marketing tools, and powerful insights.

With SplashBrands, you can create a corporate apparel store that elevates your brand image, unifies your teams, enhances company culture, and even strengthens your marketing strategies.

Ready to get started? Create a demo store with SplashBrands today and see the benefits for yourself.